The Family who went on a Holiday (part two)

Water Hole at Davenport Ranges

After the family went to Uluru they drove to Alice Springs and got to hold a baby red kangaroo and they did some jobs (like shopping, washing, school work and exploring).

Traveling up the highway they soon came to the Davenport Ranges, the family had to drive in on dirt road, it took quite a while but they made it. When they got there it was magnificent. There was a waterhole that the kids played in the water and did some painting. They also did some bike riding.

Two Trees in the middle of Roper River at Elsey N.P

Next they headed for Elsey National Park. On the way, they spent the night at a rest stop for a night. While they were at Elsey N.P., they had a very good time, including a visit to Mataranka hot springs. At Mataranka hot springs the family worked out that the water came out of the ground at 30 degrees celsius.

They next went to Katherine and stayed at a caravan park. They got woken up in the middle of the night by some very loud music and so could not get back to sleep but the boy slept through the whole thing and the next night they went an hour up the road to Pine Creek where there was a nicer caravan park.

East Alligator River

After traveling up the road they came to Kakadu National Park. When they were just about to enter it they got a pass to go there. They took quite a long time to get to the campground. When they arrived they set up their tent. In the morning they went to pick up their Nanna who had flown into Darwin and caught a bus to Jabiru in Kakadu N.P., she spent a week with them. They all explored Kakadu together including going over to Arnhem Land for the morning to a place called Injalak Arts and walked around there for a bit. There was a shop there that they bought some stuff, (the boy bought a card and the girl bought a hat and a note book the father got a painting and mother got a woven pot.

They next went to Darwin. While they were there they went the Mindil beach night market. The video above is of a fire twirler they saw. Walking around the markets soon made them feel hungry, so they each enjoyed an ice-cream. They kept on wandering around the market and just when they were about to leave they shared a fruit smoothie that had ice in it to cool them down. One amusing thing happened when they were driving to the airport in the dark to drop their Nanna off. The dad who was driving went down a one way street the wrong way and a taxi cab hooted a warning at him.

Traveling up the road they soon came to Litchfield N.P., which is very popular for its falls you can swim in. They had a great time there, the family went swimming two times a day! It is also very busy.

Just about to Cross the Western Australia Border From the Northern Territory.

Next they travelled on the Victoria highway to an unsealed road which led them to Juddbarra/Gregory National Park. They did not swim in the river because there were freshwater crocodiles there. They went to an old Homestead which was just down the road. It was just like a museum with no one living in it.

Next they travelled across the Western Australia border to lake Argyle and stayed at a free camp just near the lake. They enjoyed it very much and went rock hopping and also went to a lookout at the lake.

The lake was, huge! The caravan park was very busy and big, but the river where they stayed at (which is called Ord river) is very quiet.


5 Replies to “The Family who went on a Holiday (part two)”

  1. I have been waiting to see the next chapter about this travelling family. They seem to be having such fun and learning a lot about Australia. Thanks for the entertaining writing Cosi. xxx Nana Barbie

  2. Cool,
    I was wondering When we would hear the next chapter of “the Family went on a holiday”
    The fired twirling looks so great
    Hope you are having the most amazing time cosi
    All the best Mia

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